Establishment of a Pharma Zone in the area of Millewa, Horana
04th May 2021

With the new government assuming office in November 2019, the State Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Corporation (SPMC), in line with the national policy presented by His Excellency the President under “Saubhagye Dakma”(vision for a prosperous nature) , has followed attractive strategies to expand its pharmaceutical production and thereby ensured the uninterrupted supply of high quality drugs to the nation. Furthermore, it also save foreign exchange while reducing the government expenditure on imports.
As per the Cabinet Decision dated 2nd April 2020, Rs. Five Billion provision as a Bank Gurantee is recommended for SPMC to expand the pharmaceutical manufacturing locally.
In this context, SPMC has taken steps to establish a Pharma Zone (SPMC LOTUS PHARMA ZONE)in the area of Millawa, Horana in the Kalutara District. This zone includes following three factories, Green Belts, Supper Markets, quarters, playgrounds etc.
Orthopedic and Neurosurgical implants
Oncology drugs plant
General Oral Dosage drugs plant
SPMC and Urban Development Authority (UDA) have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 29th October 2020 to allocate the land with the extent of 64 acres and 83.30 perches, in the area of Millawa. Further, It is expected to obtain the service of Selendiva Investments Private Limited (Fully state owned entity) to undertake project management and advisory service of the establishment of the Pharma Zone at the location given below.